“There is nothing so fatal to character as half finished tasks.” The habit you’re fighting, the guilt trip, the reminders for to-do lists. Keep scrolling. Faster. Stop. Scroll. Play. Momentary blindness. Then the weight settles in. “It’s another day wasted,” “all I could have done,” “all my wasted potential” with a hint of self-loath. This is Procrastination and its hold on our daily lives. There is no foolproof quick fix to the habit and despite the constant reminders and weight, in the moments of its slavery, it’s difficult to do what you are supposed to do. There are several causes of procrastination and undoubtedly some real science ones that I can research about but it still wouldn’t help me to get over it. I believe that the answer to “why” and “how” is subjective and depends on our responses to life. We, as humans, like to think in stories, in fict...